FINALLY! The weather is at last turning from winter to summer, (where was spring?) – it seems we have had at least the first three Tennessee winters so far, we will see if the last two rear their cold heads this month.
Redbud: early April – been there – done that
Dogwood: late April – been there – done that
Locust: early May – maybe not so much – we have had a TERRIFIC last week of April into May
So, what has been accomplished in the last month? AND what have been the surprises?
WARNING: Not a lot of sexy stuff happening – but every day is ONE day closer to living in the small house that we built ourselves, (mostly).
“Other” small house work done
Felt/tar paper on the front porch roof
Back gable siding on
Back gable battens on
Back gable finish trim complete
Wildflower bank and other gardening complete
Back door installed
Mechanical rough in / duct work complete
HVAC concrete platform poured (with dad help)
Front porch flooring started
SQUIRREL: For a moment, we took a three day time out and stayed up in Grundy County near our “other small house,” and did some work.

We had a goal to put down the leftover zip system wall/roof/floor sheathing on our cabin floor. GOAL ACCOMPLISHED. However, we had my nemesis, Sneaky Snake, keeping me pretty squirrel-ly. Day 1, he was slithering around just outside the door when I went out to get more supplies – imagine me, turning 180 degrees, mid-air back into the cabin, of course with a scream…

Day 2 – we are back inside, screwing down the floor, and I look over hub, who has his back to the door, and Sneaky Snake is INSIDE slithering UP the wall! Hub says, “would you rather see a snake or a rat?” I think I’d rather see a cat, who could also take care of the rats!
The BIG DEAL this month is the back gable end!

We also were able to have the driveway pushed back from the “barn,” to the house, and then, (since because I do not like mowing on a slope), I suggested we plant native wildflowers on our slope! We planted, around 8 pounds, of native Southern wildflowers along this slope… I cannot wait to see how this turns out. P.S. I also snuck in some corn!

We installed the back door!

We had the mechanical rough-in done…

We poured concrete for the HVAC unit! This also shows the electrical panel being hooked up to the small house.

Visitor number 2 showed up the next day – yet another dog in the pack.

And just for kicks and giggles – this is how we communicate…
Measurements to call down from the gable end…

His and Hers liquid refreshments… (he is totally looking in some goofy house mirror on both of our images)

We started installing the front porch floor! It is the same “morning fog” / blue color of the ceiling. I just love the way a tongue and groove porch floor looks – instead of a “deck floor.”

Oh goodness! This stuff is starting to get REAL!
P.S. Farmer tan lines have started to appear – life in building a small house is just amazing.
Oh yeah, and don’t think that porch floor is almost done… that is the dry fitting, it has to come back up, be numbered, have the cut edges primed and painted (with oil based paints), and then put back down… this was just a tease.