SMALL HOUSE – BIG HAPPINESS — That just about sums it up! Hubby was channeling his creative side and gave me this t-shirt and necklace for my birthday last week.
So another month in and “we” have checked off a few more items from the to-do (aka honey-do) list. While the kitchen faucet was a big one… LITERALLY!

Getting the shower doors installed so that we could hook up the steam shower was, as my granddaughter puts things, “life changing!”
(Notice the nice teak seat hub also gifted “us” with on my birthday.)

The steam shower even has “an app for that.” I can be down at the workshop painting or scavenging thru the storage bins upstairs for items to put in the booth at the antique mall, and think, “oh, a steam shower would be nice…” open up the app on my phone to turn it on, and BAM! by the time I walk up to the house – that bad boy has already fogged up the shower doors.
Other semi-critical items on the list have been the front porch steps. Right now the temporary treads are on, but by the end of the week, we will have installed the permanent ones to match the front porch flooring.
The kitchen countertop that hubby hand-crafted is also installed, and it just looks amazing! It brings in a warm and cozy feel, and keeps with the craftsman style we have woven all throughout the building and designing processes.
So far we have been spared a frost to kill the plants, so we still have wildflowers blooming along the drive. This weekend they are getting some new friends planted close by now that all of the big trucks are no longer coming in and out. Even the barn is getting some landscaping started. In the mix are Dawn Redwoods, Hemlocks and Rhododendron.
We may wrap this project up over the winter months since almost all of the remaining projects are on the inside –
Love grows best in small houses
With fewer walls to separate.
Where you eat and sleep so close together,
You can’t help but communicate.
And if we had more walls between us,
Think of all we’d miss.
Love grows best in small houses
author unknown