We are officially occupying the small house! Finally! What a chore it is to move, even though we just moved a couple of years ago when we sold our home in Nashville and moved to the rental close by the construction site. This is how just a small portion of the end of the last day of moving looks at the workshop.

Poor patient hubby has let our hoarding invade his workshop. It is almost embarrassing the amount of stuff we have. There is one major garage sale coming!

What’s finished?
Wood floors installed (see above bedroom picture) – Walnut 4″ tongue & groove
Bathroom sink & toilet are functional (critical components)
Washer & dryer installed (no pic yet… there’s too much laundry)
Rods and shelves in closet (no pic yet… there’s too much chaos)
Heated floor in bathroom – there were multiple tests involved in this install to validate the 10 year warranty – i.e. I had to purchase a multi-meter and understand Ohms, let’s just say, the tile work was much more complicated
Refrigerator moved from the workshop to the kitchen

What’s in progress?
Installing the gas line to hook up the range (current cooking options are outdoor grill and microwave)
Tile work in the shower (outdoor showers with the hose are invigorating, but I’m looking forward to that steam shower)

What’s next?
Kitchen cabinets
Interior doors (bathroom and closet/laundry room)
Steps to front door
Rail on back deck
Showers tonight were compliments of the gym we belong to; however, showers earlier this week were compliments of the hose-pipe! I have not slept better in any other house than the house that we built! More to come…