Front “Yard” View
We love cabins! We’ve been finding heaven in the middle of nowhere for over 12 years now… it is so much fun to load up the dogs – our “C”hesapeake Bay Retrievers, Rocksanne & Tabasco, our “C”anoe, a “C”ooler full of food and head to the mountains of East Tennessee, North Carolina or Georgia and leave behind the cell phone, internet and rat race for a few days of exploring and enjoying nature. Our cabin requirements are pet friendly, outdoor hot tub on a porch (in case of rain) and preferably on some water, whether it be a rushing creek, trout stream or even a lake – Tabasco says, “a Chessie on vacation has to swim!”
For the last several years my dear husband (DH) has been spending most Saturdays in the hills of Grundy County on our 6 glorious acres building our very own cabin! That’s a current photo from the progress we’ve (I really mean HE) made to this point. Our goal is to rent it out to other nature lovers who would enjoy camping on the border of an 18,000 acre wilderness area complete with trails, waterfalls, campsites and swimming holes. Savage Gulf also boasts some of the last remaining virgin forests in the Eastern US! Oh yeah, did I mention your rental cabin can come loaded with packed hiking luncheons, items ready to grill, etc from Chef Robyn (http://www.ChefRobyn.com) Lots more photos of the area to come, but in the meantime check out this website http://www.state.tn.us/environment/parks/SouthCumberland/ – this is our “backyard” at the cabin.

Mounting the “C”hessie Weathervane
Last weekend we celebrated getting the roof on by capping it with a chessie weathervane I purchased last summer. DH has made it this far with little to no help and without electricity and water! I’m so proud; it has been a labor of love. All we need now are the walls and finished floors! And of course a hot tub. Oh yeah, there’s a much enjoyed fire pit for cool nights, ghost stories, dreaming and of course cooking some awesome steaks!
We have quite a little community up there now – when we started the road stopped quite a ways from our property and there were probably only a couple of other property owners. We, I mean DH, carried our building supplies back to the building site with a sling blade in hand “paving” our way. Now the gravel road has been pushed thru, there is another nearly completed cabin down the road and all of the available property has been sold. Several weekends during the summer and fall the “community” has a shrimp boil and camp out. The “neighbors” lovingly refer to my DH as “the mayor” and there are quite a few stories to tell of experiences we’ve had over the last 12 years with locals and visitors.
This weekend I’m working on a few projects I can show you in my next post, “C”rafts.