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Tiny House – December / January Update

Writer's picture: Chestnut Grove StudiosChestnut Grove Studios

Baby steps and bad weather… that sums up the work for the last two months.  No more low hanging fruit… now it is big ticket items, like getting the roof on and windows in.  These are days requiring patience, attention to details, and a safety harness.  We did spend Thanksgiving in Savannah with our son, one of our daughters and one of our granddaughters… and there was a break at Christmas… and rain… and snow… and bitter, bitter cold to slow us down.  However, if all I have to complain about is a cold rainy day that keeps me from climbing on top of the roof to work, I am one lucky girl!

So what has happened in the last couple of months?  Well, a lot in the workshop – we have the wiring done… mean

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2017-11 barn interior

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As for the tiny house, the roof sheathing is FINALLY complete!  What a tedious chore!  Roofing is a career path I am glad to have bypassed.  We thought we had someone else doing the high-wire act up on the roof, but that didn’t pan out as quickly as we thought it would, so we just started doing it ourselves.

2017-12-10 roofing 3

Is it fun?  NO.

Is it easy?  NO and NO.

Is it done?  YES!

It all gave a new perspective to James Taylor’s song, “Up on the Roof.”

Now, it is on to the windows… Fun and easy, Yay!  We are keeping with the craftsman / cottage theme.  These are by Andersen, and they are going in great.  So far we have 5 of the 7 installed, but need to complete the front porch roof before we can install the 2 kitchen windows on the front side of the house.

2018-01-15 windows 2

We spent today, (hopefully the LAST snow day for this season), exploring the Amish community in Ethridge Tennessee looking for cedar shakes to install on the gable roof at the front of the house, cedar battens for the exterior siding, and a cedar front door.  We scored two of the three, which made for a pretty productive trip.  We will return in a couple of weeks to pick them up, so I hope to have an update on those in the next post.  (Still looking for a front door.)

All in all, we are still moving forward, and some day in the not too, too distant future, one of our dreams will become a reality… to be living in a house we built with our own hands.  How cool is that?

Until next month…

2017-12-10 roofing 1


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