So last month, a dear and long time friend showed up at my art class lunch. After lunch, my friend was going back to our art class venue with my art teacher to have a quick lesson on watercolors. Since this was a medium I had never used, I was curious, and they graciously let me follow along. Well, low and behold, said art teacher gave her students, (me being one of them) a set of watercolors at our art exchange last month…

So I turned to Pinterest for some watercolor inspiration and discovered pen and watercolor wash! WOW! I love the look; I love the loose-ness; I love the lack of control.
I watched a couple of YouTube videos, and then painted a few pen and watercolor washes for our art show at the local Square Market Cafe in Columbia TN.
Next I tried a wagon wheel…

And, then… I remembered how good clothes smelled after they had been hanging out on the clothesline and did these… oh yeah, and how stiff those jeans would be after drying on the line.
Finally, my daughter sent me a wish list for Christmas, and it had a picture of a mermaid on it for my granddaughter, so I thought, well, I can just paint that, so I did… Merry Christmas sweet girl! I hope you like it.

Meanwhile in the workshop – hubby is working on banjo rims that we hope to bring to market in the not too distant future. Lots of fun new things for me to learn with this process as well. He is one impressive guy. I will write a full post on the making of banjo rims coming soon – here is a sneak peak of what is in the shop –
We had our first snow at the small house this morning, but it melted before I could snap a photo – so instead I will share a photo of a sunset taken from the back porch last week.

Until next month….